Mary Harrison《What Is Poetry About? My Heart and Soul》

Mary Harrison《What Is Poetry About? My Heart and Soul》

作者:Mary Harrison

出版社:Publish America





This book is about my poetry and all of my most deepest and inner thoughts. Itas coming from my soul. Itas a lot of what I went through as a young teen and how Iave lived through these experiences. Now Iam able to live and tell you today. I think Iam here so I can help others who have gone through some of what I have. A lot of my poetry is about the truth, life difficulties. And with that I can help others cope through their everyday life. I try to give advice and meaning to my poems. Itas not easy growing up as a teen but with the help from someone who cares it gets easier every day. Through tragedy some good can come out of it; it made you who you are and a lot stronger and hopefully a better person, but also wiser. Iam hoping others will see things more clearly and find hope as I have. I have a little of everything in my book. From the heart to pain and tragedy and triumph to family and romance and hope and everyday situations. Iave had a lot of joy in my life with no regret. You learn from everything.

